
Applied research and sciences

Söbbing researches the legal issues of artificial intelligence and regularly publishes on this topic with academic publishers. Among other things, he published the first German-language book on the “Fundamental Legal Issues of Artificial Intelligence”, thus laying the foundations for this area of ​​law.

He has also developed IT legal models for the “Contract Theory” by Hart (Harvard) and Holmström (MIT), which won the 2016 Nobel Prize, and has already published parts of it with the support of a renowned consulting firm.

He is a member of the research committee and has received a research contract from the university on the fundamental legal issues of artificial intelligence.

A key focus of his applied research is the legal aspects of the digital economy. He published his research results in a work on the legal issues of digital banking.

Another area of ​​research is the legal issues that have arisen through the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). His professional expertise is repeatedly requested by commercial companies, e.g. through the preparation of external reports.